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What is the best wine to try for those who don’t like wine? First and foremost, not everyone likes wine. Many of your friends who ecstatically extol the virtues of wine probably disliked it at first. You are not alone if you have ever been asked to a formal dinner and recoiled at the taste of the wine offered. In this article I will discuss the wines to try if you don’t like wine.
However, this does not necessarily imply that you are not a wine person. Or that you must spend the rest of your life sipping grape juice. Even those who have had a bad experience with wine can learn to appreciate it. That is what we are here to achieve. We’ll show you the greatest wine for folks who don’t like wine in this article.
The world of wine is enormous, and even the most ardent wine connoisseurs need years to understand their way around their vintages. This article will save you time and help you get your foot in the door. We’ll start with the fundamentals, teaching you some keywords in the industry. We will also answer a few of the most common questions newcomers have before sharing our top ten selections for the finest wine for a non-wine drinker. Wash your palate clean and prepare your taste buds for a fresh start, regardless of your previous experiences with the drink.
There is no particular brand of wine that is recommended for novice wine consumers. As a budding wine connoisseur, you’ll notice that there are a plethora of delectable flavors to try. But, before you go out and select the wine that is right for you and your taste preferences, there are a few things to consider. We use this criteria all the time to choose the perfect wine for our mood!
Wine is basically fermented grape fruit in its most basic form. Consider it for a moment; it makes perfect logic, right?
The wine’s profile is determined by the vintner’s method of production as well as the type of storage utilized to allow the wine to age. Its taste, aroma, and body are all influenced by the grapes used to make it.
Wine can have a wide range of flavors, depending on the kind. Berries, leather, cherries, tobacco, and dark fruits, for example, are all flavors found in red wine. Citrus fruits, spice, toast, pears, and apples are all flavors found in white wines.
Different Wines Have Different Sweetness
Beginner wine drinkers may be put off by the dry types since they desire something sweeter. You don’t have to pick the sugariest brand in the shop; just make sure it’s not so dry that you feel compelled to drink water to quench your thirst.
If you didn’t know, the sweetness of wine is determined by the time the grapes are harvested, the sorts of grapes mixed in, and the alcohol percentage. There are many different types of delicious wine, with sugariness ranging from dry white and red wines like Chardonnay or Cabernet Sauvignon to sweet wine like Port.
Check out our post about choosing wine over beer HERE!
Wine Aromatics
This is for individuals who want to gain a better understanding of the world of wine. You must learn to detect delicate scents in wine before you can become an expert in wine tasting. If you simply want to learn more about drinking wine, though, you can skip this step. Grenache and Viognier are two well-known fragrant wines.
The Viscosity “Body” Of The Wine
Have you ever heard someone describe a wine’s “mouth feel”? This usually relates to the drink’s viscosity. We’re talking about the weight or lightness of the wine here. Wine drinkers who are just getting started with wine favor lighter-bodied varieties. Sauvignon Blanc and Beaujolais Nouveau are two examples of light-bodied wines.
Do you think you’re ready to dive into the world of red wines? You’re going to have a great time! Still, you don’t want to start with something too powerful, as this may cause you to acquire a red wine aversion. Instead, try starting your adventure with one of the following excellent choices:
Merlot is a great place to start if you’re new to red wines because it’s low in tannins. They are sweet red wines, fruity flavors, and light in flavor, making them easy on the tongues (and stomachs) of novices. If you opt to make Merlot your gateway wine into all things red, I recommend pairing it with poultry, such as chicken, because the natural flavors of Merlot wines pair well with fowl.
While Syrah isn’t the lightest or sweetest of red wines, its complex flavor profile may appeal to novices with more discerning palates. Syrah wines (also known as Shiraz wines) come in a variety of flavors, some of which are spicy.
Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir is one of the lighter red wines available, making it an excellent choice for newcomers. This variety, unlike others, lacks strong flavors and weight, making it simpler to swallow if you’re just beginning out.
Pinot Noir wines have a berry flavor and a silky texture that makes them easy to drink. If you want to get the most out of this wine, pair it with fish—fantastic it’s with salmon!
Wondering what are the 10 most popular types of wine? CLICK HERE to find out!
CLICK HERE to read about Grenache wine and food pairings!
Though white wines don’t have the same fearsome reputation as red wines among novices or those who simply despise wine in general, you’ll still want to be sure you’re getting the greatest deal when you first start out. Simply said, when it comes to white wines, there is an astounding variety of flavors to choose from, and you’ll want to start with the correct one to make the finest first impression.
Moscato wines are noted for their fruity characteristics and are often served as sweet dessert wine. These wines’ overt sweetness makes them a great starting point for individuals who aren’t fond of traditional wine characteristics. These wines typically feature grapefruit-like flavors and fruity fragrances, making them taste like juice (and hence one of the finest wines for non-wine drinkers). You may also want to consider sparkling wines.
Even if you’re not a wine connoisseur, you’ve probably heard of Chardonnay. There’s a reason for this: Chardonnay is prepared in a variety of flavors and isn’t as dry as most red wines, despite being heavier and more silky than other varieties of white wines.
Chardonnay can be buttery, lemony, or even have a tinge of vanilla. Chardonnay may be a suitable starting point for someone looking for a wine with qualities that even novices can appreciate because of its wide range of flavors.
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc wines are excellent for beginners because they have gentle fruity and herbaceous notes that won’t overwhelm the palate. Apple, gooseberry, mango, and pear flavors are prevalent, and many kinds have lively aromas that aren’t off-putting to individuals who are just getting into wine. You may also want to consider pinot grigio.
Summary: Try These Wines If You Don’t Like Wine
What is the best wine for those who aren’t wine connoisseurs? First and foremost, not everyone likes wine. In reality, many of your friends who ecstatically extol the virtues of wine probably disliked it at first. Rest assured that you are not alone if you have ever been asked to a formal dinner and recoiled at the taste of the wine offered.
However, this does not necessarily imply that you are not a “wine person” or that you must spend the rest of your life sipping grape juice. Even those who have had a bad experience with wine can learn to appreciate it.
If you have any questions about Try these Wines If You Don’t Like Wine contact me today.