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Is Wine Good For You?

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Let science help you the next time you’re debating whether or not to open a bottle. Red wine is made by crushing and fermenting dark-colored grapes. Years of studies claim drinking red wine may provide a variety of heart health benefits. Remember to consume in moderation, of course. We’ve outlined some of the potential benefits of red wine. We’ve included information you may like to know before reaching for another glass.


White and red wine has the potential to help you remember things. Researchers handed memory quizzes to women in their 70s. The women who drank one or more drinks per day performed better than those who drank less or none at all. Red wine has been related to helping cognitive decline and heart disease because it prevents clots and reduces blood vessel inflammation.

Wine’s flavanols may protect cells in your body that promote healthy blood vessels. This is a crucial physiological advantage that can increase blood flow to the brain and prevent harmful plaque from forming. This may also help improve high blood pressure. According to animal research, resveratrol may help to prevent age-related memory loss.

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Red wine may have various cardio-protective properties and drinking red wine has been related to a lower risk of heart disease. However, the American Heart Association points out a potential flaw in studies like these. There is no documented cause-and-effect relationship and that a variety of other factors, such as dietary habits, could be at play. If you drink red wine every night, for example, you may be following a Mediterranean Diet. This diet may be responsible for the heart-healthy effects.

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People who drink wine on a regular basis have a lower body mass than those who drink it just sometimes, according to studies. Moderate red wine drinkers have narrower waists and less abdominal fat than those who consume liquor. Drinking alcohol can cause your body to burn extra calories for up to 90 minutes after you’ve finished a glass. Beer appears to have the same effect. The important thing to remember is “A GLASS”.


According to one British study, those who drank about a glass of red wine each day lowered their chance of infection by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which is a significant cause of gastritis, ulcers, and stomach malignancies, by 11%. According to a Spanish study, as little as half a glass of water can protect patients from food poisoning caused by pathogens like salmonella when they are exposed to contaminated food.


When Australian researchers compared women with ovarian cancer versus women who were cancer-free, they discovered that drinking one glass of wine each day reduced the risk of the disease by up to 50%. A previous study conducted at the University of Hawaii came up with identical results. Experts believe this is due to antioxidants or phytoestrogens, which are abundant in wine and have strong anticancer qualities. A red wine component also helped kill ovarian cancer cells in a test tube, according to a recent University of Michigan study.


Women who drink moderately appear to have higher bone mass than abstainers on average. Alcohol appears to increase estrogen levels, which appears to decrease the body’s degradation of old bone more than new bone development.


According to a 10-year Harvard Medical School study, premenopausal women who drink one or two glasses of wine each day are 40% less likely than women who don’t drink to acquire type 2 diabetes. Wine appears to lower insulin resistance in diabetic people, for unknown reasons.


Certain polyphenols, such as resveratrol, anthocyanins, catechins, and tannins, are rich in red wine (proanthocyanidins and ellagitannins). Resveratrol can be present in foods including grapes, peanuts, chocolate, and some berries, in addition to red wine. According to studies, red wine’s phenolic components have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities. Red wine consumption has been shown to improve insulin resistance as well as oxidative stress, according to study.


It’s all down to the sedative effects of alcohol. Moderate alcohol use has been associated to a higher life span in long-term population studies. Research also suggests that a well-balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods high in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals can enhance the effects of resveratrol (similar to the Mediterranean diet). So enjoy your glass with a nutritious lunch!


Moderate alcohol consumption has been linked to an improved mood in studies. According to a 2014 study, persons who drank a glass of red wine in a bad situation had the same level of mood enhancement as people who drank no alcohol in a better one.

Summary: Is Drinking Wine Good For You?

Red wine, which is made by crushing and fermenting dark-colored grapes, has been studied for years and is claimed to provide a variety of health benefits (when consumed in moderation, of course). We’ve outlined some of the potential benefits of red wine, as well as the most recent studies and everything you should know before reaching for another glass.

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