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Will Wine Freeze? The Surprising Answer!

chilled or frozen wine wine slushie

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If you’re a newbie to white and red wine you may be wondering will wine freeze? Yes, it will and one of the things you should learn is how to freeze it. Is it possible to freeze an open bottle of wine to drink or cook with it later?

What about wine that you accidentally froze by leaving it in the trunk of your car on a cold day? The big question is, can it be thawed to drink or cook with, or is it a lost cause?

There is a lot of debate surrounding the topic of whether or not wine will freeze. Some people believe that it is impossible for wine to freeze, while others claim that if it is stored in the right conditions, it can indeed freeze.

So what is the truth? Is wine able to freeze or not? In this blog post, we will explore the science behind wine and freezing and provide a definitive answer!

Things You May Notice When Wine Freezes


Wine expands when it freezes, as you may have discovered. If the bottle is too small, the expansion may cause the bottle to break.

The expansion of the liquid may not cause the bottle to break, but it may push the cork out of the bottle or break the screw top seal. This allows air into the bottle, causing oxidation.

Sadly, oxidation turns wine into vinegar. You can usually tell if a wine is oxidized by its taste or smell. If you’re still unsure, read our guide on how to tell if wine is bad.

cracks in ice

The Taste May Change

If your wine oxidizes, the flavor will be drastically altered (and the wine will be ruined!). If no oxidation occurs, the wine is probably fine to drink.

As long as the cork and screw top are intact, a bottle of wine left in the freezer overnight is fine. Your wine’s flavor may be slightly altered, but not enough for the average wine drinker to notice.

Click HERE to check out our post about the best wines for cooking!

There May Be Sediment

Freezing wine can cause tartaric acid, the compound that gives wine its tartness, to crystalize. When your wine cools below 40 degrees, tartaric acid becomes less soluble and binds with potassium to form tartrates (or “wine diamonds” as many wine enthusiasts call them).

So, when you freeze wine and then thaw it, you may notice a crystalline sediment in the wine. But don’t worry. Wine diamonds are a natural component of wine and are safe to consume.

sediment in frozen wine

Possible Change In The Alcohol Content

Your wine won’t freeze (and then thaw) unless it’s frozen at a temperature well below your home freezer’s capability. If you don’t strain out the icy bits before thawing, you should get the same alcohol content.

Is Freezing Wine Bad?

Ice doesn’t usually harm wine. There are many stories of brave wine lovers like you who unfreeze and enjoy their wine. It won’t get sour. Changing the wine’s flavor profile is possible, but not likely if the bottle or cork are intact and the wine isn’t oxidized.

If the cork has been pushed out or the bottle broken, and the wine has been frozen for weeks or months, it is probably ruined. Regrettably, freezing wine does not reduce its calorie content.

Wines Freezing Point

The wine’s freezing point varies depending on its alcohol content. Most wines freeze at around 15F. However, higher alcohol content wines have a lower freezing point.

Remember that it takes hours and very cold temperatures to completely freeze wine.

But the real question is: what happens if the wine freezes? Hopefully, the wine will not be seriously harmed. But there are a few reasons not to freeze wine.

freezing point of wine

Why Freeze Wine?

There are many ways to enjoy wine without referring to a wine dictionary. That’s mulling and slushies. You can also read a wine book to learn about wine and how to freeze it.


Yes, wine can be frozen for cooking. It’s fine to use frozen cooking wine. It’s perfect. Even oxidized and freezer-burned wine can be used in cooking.

Nobody puts cabernet in a stew and eats it with beef and carrots. Nobody is meditating on chardonnay’s oakiness through cheese fondue. Mild oxidation and freezer burn do little to a wine when cooked at high temperatures.

In addition, when wine is combined with other robust flavors. When cooking with wine, we’re looking for the wine’s general flavor profile, not its nuances. Freezing wine has no effect.

Freeze wine in ice cube trays. A standard ice cube tray holds about two tablespoons of ice. This makes cooking with it a breeze.

cooking with wine

Desert With Mulled Wine

Yes. The wine can be frozen. Batches of mulled wine are often large. So there’s usually a lot left over. Freezing the leftovers is a great option.

Spices import most of the mulled wine’s flavor. Freezing mulled wine won’t harm the flavors. Sure, they’ll be duller afterward. It won’t change the game. Making mulled wine sorbet from leftover mulled wine is a great idea.

Speaking of frozen wine treats…


Yes, red wine can be frozen into slushies, as well as white wine of course. It is the most virtuous and perfect use of frozen wine. Due to the sugar in wine, you’ll have a delicious dessert.

freezing grapes

How to:

Freeze wine in a freezer-safe container for 4–6 hours. Some wines take longer to freeze than others, so be cautious and freeze it long.

  • Take it out and mash it with a fork.
  • Serve with spoons in wine glasses.

Here’s a fruitier take:

  • Blend the frozen wine.
  • Add berries to frozen red wine cubes and blend for 20 seconds.
  • Serve with spoons in wine glasses.

How Should I Chill My Wine?

While slushies are fun, having a frozen bottle of wine isn’t the best option. Use an ice bath to quickly chill wine. Store in a champagne bucket or wine sleeve.

If you have a growing wine collection and like to have a chilled bottle on hand, a wine cabinet may be the answer.

chilling wine

Final Thoughts: Will Wine Freeze?

It is possible to freeze white wine without harming it, but it is not recommended. The best way to chill wine is by using an ice bath. Store in a champagne bucket or wine sleeve. If you have a growing wine collection and like to have a chilled bottle on hand, a wine cabinet may be the answer.

Wine freezing isn’t for everyone. But if you’re feeling adventurous, go ahead and give it a try! Just remember to strain out the icy bits before thawing. Cheers!

What are your thoughts on freezing wine and sparkling wine? Let us know in the comments below!

Don’t forget to share this post with your fellow wine lovers!

Check out our post about Does Wine Catch Fire? HERE!

If you have any questions about Will Wine Freeze? contact me today.

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